What’s New 2020 R1

By Salina Patel | March 23, 2020 |

Acumatica Cloud ERP prides themselves on putting time and resources towards constantly improving their platform for users and they have done just that with Acumatica 2020 R1. About 73% of Acumatica employees work in research and development to ensure that their system is constantly evolving and growing. They aim to solve more business issues for their clients by releasing two…

Breakaway from Old, Disconnected Legacy ERP, and Into a Modern Connected Business Platform

By John Pezzino | March 12, 2020 |

  Legacy ERP is an older enterprise software solution that is no longer being enhanced or even supported by the publisher, primarily because of technology limitations.  Developed decades ago, Legacy ERP systems are also limited in how they connect to other business applications and work with today’s modern technology. When business applications can’t “talk” to each other, they are commonly…

Construction in 2020

By Salina Patel | February 10, 2020 |

Now that we are a month into 2020, it’s time to look at the trends that will take over this year. By paying attention to these trends you will be able to prepare for the future and ensure that your company doesn’t fall behind. Although many trends have continued to persist in the industry over the years, each of them…

SMB Growth Secret: It’s Easier in the Cloud

By Salina Patel | January 13, 2020 |

If you own a business, you know about working hard and overcoming obstacles daily. While most of your focus is on day-to-day operations, you must also be looking ahead and planning for what your business may need in the future to compete and grow. The future is in the cloud. Firms today are competing with new companies, channels, and ways…

Tip of the Week: Multi-Factor Authentication

By Salina Patel | December 27, 2019 |

If you’re a security-conscious business, you need multi-factor authentication to verify user identities before allowing them to access your sensitive ERP Data. Multi -factor authentication is simple and organizations are focusing more than ever on creating a smooth user experience. Even if you have never heard of it before, odds are you probably already use it in some form. For…

Look Beneath the Surface: On-Premise Software vs. Cloud Computing

By Salina Patel | December 16, 2019 |

In the modern world, business technology is always changing, so when it comes to making the right choice for your business, you must consider the long-term effects technology will have on your business. As a leader at your company, you must use the most secure, helpful, and user-friendly systems that make your business more efficient. One of the most important…

A Day in the Life of a Construction Owner

By Salina Patel | December 11, 2019 |

Are you losing control of the moving parts of your business? Is your system disjointed and outdated? Are you still investing annually in your inefficient software? Then you’re in the same boat as our friend Laura. Watch this video to see how Laura’s peer Mike’s life has been made easier and his business more efficient by moving to a more…

From Silent but Deadly Silos to Connected Construction

By Salina Patel | November 25, 2019 |

Connected Construction for Improved Collaboration and Project Success When your employees and departments don’t share information due to lack of tools or processes, organizational silos occur. Organizational silos impede essential processes like communication and collaboration that provide smooth customer experiences. When a team is siloed, they end up working in isolation which leads to internal and external problems for employees,…

Five Reasons Contractors are Thankful for Modern Mobile Cloud ERP

By Salina Patel | November 12, 2019 |

This Thanksgiving let us take the time to appreciate how helpful mobility is to our everyday lives. We can connect in real-time anywhere. In business this is essential. With mobile cloud ERP, users can easily enter, access, and share business information through hand-held mobile devices. This ensures real-time access to data without any significant investment in infrastructure or setup. If…

How We Know You’ve Outgrown QuickBooks

By Daniel Collins | September 20, 2019 |

Using QuickBooks But Business Is Booming? QuickBooks is the right choice when you are first starting your business and you need to manage your finances. It’s perfect for young businesses. However, as your business grows it starts to show signs that it’s too mature for QuickBooks. You might have the most premium version of the platform, but even then, you still…

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