Infographic: 5 Steps to Manufacturing Job Costing

Unreliable manufacturing job costing can negatively affect your efficiency as well as your ability to acquire new business. The below Infographic highlights how Acumatica Manufacturing Edition can help you eliminate this problem, providing the quick and accurate manufacturing job costing you need to get the job done.

Make-to-order, engineer-to-order, project-centric, and job shop manufacturers: Comment below in the comments section and let us know what core functionality you think a manufacturing ERP should provide! Strategies Group believes manufacturing ERP software should integrate your production planning and shop floor processes with CRM, sales orders, inventory, purchasing, accounting, and reporting from one central location. And it should be in real-time. Acumatica cloud ERP and Acumatica Manufacturing Edition provide this and more.

The “more” includes the extremely important ability to create detailed and accurate manufacturing job costing based on capturing details such as labor, materials, machine, and set up costs. You also have the power to create new estimates quickly and to make multiple revisions without losing the history of the changes (or who made them). How you start the manufacturing process with your potential customer says a lot about how you’ll complete it.

Check out the Infographic below – How to compete for new business with accurate estimates driven by complete costs. You’ll learn how a scalable and full-featured ERP for manufacturing can be the difference between getting the job or losing it to the competition.

5 tips for Manufacturing Job Costing

A manufacturing ERP should help you define, collect, and manage data easily, seamlessly, and on-time. When it comes to manufacturing job costing, Acumatica Manufacturing Edition incorporates costing functionality into the operational subsystems including Bill of Material and Routing, Inventory Management, Production Management, Purchase Order Management, Estimating, and Sales Order Management, all of which integrates with financial applications (Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and General Ledger). You also have the Business Intelligence and Reporting and Dashboard capabilities a modern manufacturer needs to compete.

[testimonial_set] [testimonial client=”Christa Peterson, Director of Accounting & Finance, Specified Technologies Incorporated”]We’re no longer putting out fires. We are preventing the fires from happening. So, that’s been a huge improvement[/testimonial][testimonial client=”Glenda Starkweather, Vice President, Boulder Creek Stone”]With Sage, our technical support was generally very slow. You would put a ticket in and maybe you’d hear back from them two, three days later. With Acumatica, you get an almost immediate response.[/testimonial] [/testimonial_set]

acumatica manufacturing edition

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